Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Safari Playdate

Aubrey is going through a wonderful case of the terrible twos.  ugh! I told her we were going to a safari park.  The safari park is located in a shopping center, so imagine Aubrey's disappointment when we parked and it wasn't the actual park.  Try explaining to an almost 2 year old that a shopping center can be fun.  After I got her to understand it would be fun, we got out of the car and headed to Kroger to get get a quick drink.  While entering the store,  she saw the car carts.  When I told her she couldn't ride in the car cart she FREAKED OUT!! A major meltdown, consisting of her becoming jello, screaming at the top of her lungs and then laying on the ground.  All this occurred while Caroline was attached to me.  I tried to get her to calm down with a little time out in front of the safari park, but she wasn't having it.  So, we parted from our friends for a few minutes and went to the car to have a "talk." Needless to say, her attitude changed for the better.  I really think God is paying me back for being so dramatic with my mom.

Aubrey and her friends had a lot of fun.  She loved riding the train, but did not want to ride the fake robotic animals.  Overall it was a good trip minus the major tantrum.  Every outing is a learning lesson for both Aubrey and me.

This is how cute Caroline looked today. 
My little sassy girl
She loves books, so I propped up this book for Caroline to "read"
Listening to her Baby Einstein music player.  She loves the flashing lights. 

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