Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tot School-week 4

Tot School
Aubrey is 23 months
This week we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Our letter was C and we focused at on butterflies since there are more butterfly stuff than caterpillar stuff.

Reading her book.  The book had a memory game attached, but it was such a bother so I just cut it out of the book and allowed her to play with it separate from the book. 
I found this really cool magic paint poster at Michaels for a $1.00.  It came with 12 pages which is awesome!  We did only one page this week.  After we was done painting, I gave her some water with food coloring and allowed her to "paint" some more. 
Aubrey loves to pour and will drag her pink chairs around the house if she hears the faucet running in the kitchen. 

Here are some of the activities I made this week. 
She colored her butterfly.  The bottom middle picture looks like a face to me.  Ha!  Just so you know, markers clean up nicely with some Clorox wipes. 
Coloring her letter C.  She did a great job!  I got the print outs from Confession of a Homeschooler. We practiced saying the letter and then only using one marker at a time.  She had to replace the cap on the marker she was using before she could get a new one.  I am going to cut out the letter and hang it on the wall in the playroom. We also did the C is for Caterpillar and glued pom poms to the C.
I got these letters from Confession of a Homeschooler.  I laminated letters A-D and gave her a bath crayon to trace the letters.  I also gave her half of a Magic Eraser to remove the bath crayon.  She LOVES this activity.  You can also trace your foot.  Ha!
I got this butterfly from Michaels.  I think she was in heaven with this activity.  She grabbed her paint brushes an went to town painting her butterfly for about an hour.  The butterfly came ready to hang and is now hanging from our fan in the playroom. 

We did LOTS of reading this week.  Caroline loves to lay in Aubrey's bed while I read books, so we did it a few time this week for about 45 minutes each.  It was so fun to see Aubrey excited to read books and then to see her little sister sitting next to her just as excited and waving her hands.  Books rock!

Caroline (12 weeks): Here is Caroline this week.  She did  tummy time and she is getting better, but she wanted to just chill on this day.  The bottom right picture is why Caroline HATES tummy time.  She always throws-up when we are doing tummy time. Poor things. 


  1. What a great week! I love those wooden masks (the butterfly). We had a snowman for Christmas from Joann's and it was so funny to have her put it up to her face. Too cute about reading to baby sister and the bow she has in in the pic with the book is SO cute!

  2. Tracing her foot is just about the cutest thing ever!
