Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Aubrey Jane!

Aubrey Jane, you are TWO years old today! 

Wow!  It is just amazing that two years ago today God gave us the most precious, feisty, dramatic, caring, loud, silly, gentle, active, shy, loving and sweet little girl!  Two years ago we never would have been able to imagine all of the joy we would experience with your arrival.  We knew becoming parents would be life-changing, but we never expected to love someone SO. STINKING. MUCH!  Feb 26, 2009 was life changing and we are so thankful to God for bringing YOU into our lives.  We love you more than you will ever know!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

February 26, 2009- Seems like yesterday, but then again I hardly remember you being that tiny. 
Feb 27, 2010-My sweet little toddler!

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