Saturday, January 29, 2011

Texas Discovery Gardens

We took Aubrey to the Texas Discovery Gardens to look at butterflies this weekend.  She is still recovering from her cold/teething, but had a wonderful time otherwise.  I like the picture of her in the middle because a butterfly flew right past her and she was all giddy when it happened. 

Me and my girls.  The top right picture has Caroline in it too but you have to look really hard to find her.  Ha!
Notice Mickey Mouse "Monkey Do" sticking out of Rodney's shirt?  Well, I had to document because this is what she does to me All. The. Time!  I guess she see Caroline being carried around in her carrier, so why not add one more.  ha!  When she puts Mickey in your shirt, she says, "night, night Monkey Do." To freaking cute!

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