Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Aubrey is sick for the first time in 2 years! Yes, my child has only had a sniffle once or twice and they only lasted about 1 day each. I am glad we have made it this long without her being sick. She actually threw up in her bed in the middle of the night, came to our room very shaken up. I didn't know she had thrown up at that moment, but I do remember thinking she smelled kind of funny but I couldn't place the smell. The moment I walked into her room and saw the throw up, I realized what had happened. Poor little girl! We watched a lot of Mickey Mouse, Olivia, and Timmy Time over the past two days. She tries to play, but she just doesn't have it in her at times. :o(

Here is Aubrey managing to play in her tunnel.  She really wanted Caroline to play with her, so I put her in the tunnel for some tummy time.  The bottom right picture is both girls laying on the floor watching Caroline's mobile on the ceiling.  I had to turn on the lights real quick to snap this picture, but they were actually laying on the floor in the dark. 

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