Sunday, January 30, 2011

Random Pictures

Here are some random pictures.

My little girls and bath time.  They usually take baths together, but for some reason Caroline was getting hers first. 

Aubrey trying to entertain Caroline after dinner.  I don't think Caroline is too impressed. 
Do you see what I see?  Can you find the Holly in these two pictures?  Since she blends in with our bedding, there are times she scares the living poop out of us because we aren't aware that she is there until she makes a sound or we start to undress the bed.  lol

Me and my littlest lady!  I just love how her little arm holds on to my side while she sleeps.  In a few months this will be a thing of the past and I just want to remember how incredibly cute she was while she was tethered to me for a few hours each day. 

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