Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy 2 Month Birthday, Caroline Bella

I just can't believe you are already 2 months old!  Time is just trucking along and you are growing up so fast.  You are developing your little personality.  You are a super happy and content baby during the morning and afternoon, but are very colicky during the evenings from 7-8:30.  I know it sounds weird, but your colic is usually gone exactly at 8:30.  Crazy!  Here are a few things you have done this past month:

1.  Smile a lot.  You love for me to kiss your little cheeks.
2.  You can focus on toys and smile when you see them. You love your Elephant from Tiffani.
3.  You can lift, turn your head and keep it held upright for long periods of time.
4.  You turn your head when you hear me, daddy or Aubrey's voice.
5.  You have slept through the night for over a week.  8:30pm-8:00am
6.  You are now in size 1 diapers.
7.  You wear size 0-3 month clothes.

We are just soaking up your cuteness and enjoying every second with you.  Love, Mommy and Daddy

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