Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Genetic Counselor

We met with the genetic counselor today and everything looks great.  We did learn that Caroline does have full Turner's and not mosaic.  She is missing one of her two X chromosomes from ALL of her cells.  If she was mosaic, she would only be missing a precentage of her second X chromosomes from some of her cells.

Her genetic counselor did mention that we might have problems with her feet fitting correctly into shoes and we may need to buy two sizes of the same shoe for them to fit.  Bummer!

We did talk about growth hormones for when they are needed and now I am freaking out.  I just didn't realize that I (or Rodney in this case) would have to give her a shot EVERYDAY for YEARS.  My heart is breaking because she just won't understand why we are hurting her the first few years.  :o(  I just pray that we won't have to start them for a few more years. 

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