Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy 1 Month Birthday, Caroline Bella

Happy 1 month birthday Caroline!! Wow, we just can't believe how fast time if flying by.   You are an absolute joy to be around.  You love to eat, play and sleep.  You smile at us when we make silly faces at you.  You love listening to your silly, big sister talk.  You are just AMAZING!  Some times when I look at you I can't believe that you are actually here.  I know how special your life is and because of that, I am cherishing every second with you.  Here are a few things you have been doing this month. 

1. You smiled a real smile.
2. You went from 7.12 lbs to 9.7 lbs.
3. You can lift your head with amazing strength and look at your surroundings.
4. You coo.
5. You can reach and touch your toys.
6. Your first over night hospital stay because of a bladder infection

You are absolutely beautiful and amazing us everyday.  We can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the up coming 18 years.  We love you bunches, Mommy & Daddy

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