Saturday, December 25, 2010


Aubrey had a blast at Christmas.  She unwrapped her presents very carefully and then wanted to spend quality time playing with each present.  I believe she spent about 2 hours opening presents. 

Can't forget the doggies.  I got stockings for both and they had a fun time opening and playing with their new stuffed animals.
Aubrey is all about the faces and expressions lately.  Our favorite is when she puts her hands on cheeks and says, "oh my!"
Grandma D got a Aubrey this car.  She loved driving it, but then she got off and it ran over her foot.  Bring on the tears and a much needed hug from Daddy.  Now the car is evil, but hopefully she will warm up to it again. 

We had our extended family, The Krikstone's, over for Christmas dinner.  We had a great time celebrating with everyone and watching Aubrey and Gavin play.  Gavin loved the car and loved to crash it into things.  Aubrey just ran around like Gavin was chasing her and would say, "oh no!"It is so much fun watching the those two grow up together.

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