Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Caroline's Cardiology Appointment

The pictures above are from her heart echo and ultrasound.  She did great and only cried during the first few seconds and then slept through the rest of the exam.

Here is Caroline with half of her 13 EKG tags.  She wasn't a fan of this procedure because we had to hold both her hands and her feet completely still to prevent her from knocking off the cords that connected to the blue tags.  Obviously I didn't get a picture of the cords connected because I was too busy making this little girl happy.

After both procedures, I met with the cardiologist.  Caroline's heart looks great and she has no issues that are common with many girls with Turner's syndrome.  We are going back in three months to look at her heart again.  The cardiologist isn't concerned, but she does have a slightly thickened wall around her left ventricle.  The dr. gave me the name of this condition (I am not going to post it on the blog to prevent people from googling it), but told me not to look it up on the internet because it might leave me with a very sleepless night.  So, I looked it up on the internet.  I am not concerned.  We have faced MANY hurdles these past 11 months and I refuse to let myself worry about something that has not been diagnosed.

So everything looks pretty good right now and I sure it will continue to look that way in a few months and in many years.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Dana! Worry does no good whatsoever!
    I am glad your little ladies are doing so well!
    Lots of love and Merry Christmas!!
