Wednesday, December 22, 2010

1 Month Check-Up at 6 weeks

Weight= 10.1 lbs 60%
Height= 22.5 inches 83% 

Caroline had her 1 month appointment late because she was in the hospital on her actual 1 month appointment day. Caroline is 6 weeks and is doing great! She is meeting and exceeding all of her 1 month milestones.  She is gaining weight like a champ.  She does have reflux and we have been on Zantac for about 3 weeks now.  It seems to be helping, but she still has an occasional projectile vomit.

We are being sent to the Scottish Rite Hospital to see an orthopedic dr.  Caroline's right foot does not have great movement and does not really turn in when moved.  This could be because she still has a lot of swelling in her right foot that could be preventing her foot from moving correctly.

Caroline is in the 60% for weight and 83% for height.  Unfortunately, her height will start to decrease on the growth charts, but the longer she stays above 10% the longer we can hold out on growth hormones.   Also, her height will not be be anywhere close to the height of Rodney and I without growth hormones.  The tallest she would most likely be without growth hormones would be 4 foot 7 inches.

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