Monday, November 15, 2010

Art Project

We had an appointment for Caroline this morning and our pediatrician recommened an hourly playcare facility next to their office.  This is one of the only playcares that she uses, so we checked it out.  We had to take Caroline to get jaundice blood work at the hospital, so we dropped Aubrey off for 2 hours.  It was a little hard for me to drop her off, but it was nice to focus on Caroline for a few moments instead of having to chase Aubrey around a hospital. 

When we picked Aubrey up, she keep saying, "color." I was a little confused at first, but then the office lady handed me Aubrey's art.  She was so proud of her art and now it is proudly displayed on the fridge. 

Since she had fun, I think I will be taking her back next time I have an appointment.

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