Thursday, May 24, 2012


My family came to visit us this weekend.  The girls had so much fun seeing everyone.  Caroline (our anti-stranger child) even let my brother carry her around most of the weekend.  I think she liked someone giving her 100% of their attention.  

When I talked about my family coming to visit, Aubrey said that Poppy Pop was coming and going to bring her new Tinkerbell pajamas (they brought pj's last time they visited.  I thought it was funny that she was calling my dad "poppy pop" since she refers to Rodney's dad a "pop". So...I got out our wedding pictures and quizzed her.  She knew exactly who she was talking about.  Although I have always called my dad "Grampy", she has found a better name and I actually like it.

Here is Caroline and my brother.  Aubrey is also in the top right opening her outfits from grandma.  The bottom right is a squash my dad grew in his garden.  LOL!

Rodney couldn't pass up this pink helicopter for Aubrey.  She was napping when he came home with it.  I woke her and she was pretty tired.  I said, "Aubrey, daddy has a surprise for you!" She immediately jumps up from bed and runs into the kitchen to see her surprise.  She was so excited.  She said, "Oh my!  Thank you daddy" and gave Rodney the sweetest hug and kiss ever. 

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