Friday, June 10, 2011

Scottish Rite -Follow-up

We had our follow-up appointment today.  I really didn't have any reason to be worried.  I thought it would go how it has in the past and get great news.  WRONG!! She is doing good, but not as good as the Dr. would like to see with her being out of the harness for two weeks.

The Dr. started off the conversation with, "I have some bad news."   What a great conversation starter to get my emotions going.  After he was done explaining what he saw on the ultrasound and what he wanted to see, he indicated that she has to be in a Rhino Cruiser at night.  I am happy it wasn't the harness again or surgery, but to say I wasn't emotional was a huge understatement.  I may have started to cry when we discussed the possibility of surgery on her hips when she gets older.  She may never need surgery, but the possibility of it really sent me over the emotional edge.

I started Caroline on the harness today during nap.  She did great and actually slept for 2 hours.  She hasn't sleep for more than an hour since getting the harness off 2 weeks ago.  She went down tonight without fussing and seemed to be okay.  I am PRAYING that all goes well with Caroline and this new harness.

Here are some cute pictures of the littlest cutie before her appointment while playing at the Scottish Rite park. 

Aubrey LOVES having picnics at the park.  I think this is actually her favorite part of going to the park.

They had an orchestra playing in the waiting area.  We stopped on our way out and listened for a few minutes.  

This is a little play area in the ultrasound waiting room.  Usually we don't have to wait nor are there any one else waiting but today was a little different.  We waited for about 15 minutes and they had a few kids for Aubrey to hang with.  She had so much fun hanging with these kids.  She loves older kids.

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