Thursday, November 11, 2010

Caroline Bella's Birth Story

Caroline Bella
Born 11/11/0 @ 12:31 pm
7lbs 12oz; 20.5 inches long

***This is for my records and her memory book.  If you don't care to read it, please skip this entry***

On Wednesday the 10th, I was admitted to the hospital to start the induction process for Caroline.  They started my on Cervidil to thin out my cervix and hopefully start my labor.  I also had to have penicillin through an IV every four hours until I delivered Caroline because I was strep B positive.  When they gave me my first dose of Penicillin, I thought I was going to die.  My hand and entire arm felt like it was on fire.  Thankfully the nurse came me a numbing medicine through my IV to lessen the intense pain.

At 6:00 am the nurse started me on pitocin and then at 8:00 am on November 11th, the Dr. came in to check me and break my water.  I was 2 cm dilated and the Dr. went ahead and broke my water. When he broke my water, there was meconium (babies first bowel movement) in my water. Because of this, the NICU team had to be in the room during delivery.  After the Dr. broke my water, said I could have my epi whenever I wanted it, but I really wanted to go as long was possible without it.   When I finally requested the epi at 9:30 am, it took 30 minutes to get it and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it.  Since I was also on pitocin, the contractions were STRONG.

Once the anesthesiologist came in to give me the epi, he informed me that my blood platelet count was only 97,000 and they typically do not give an epi if the count is below 100.000.  OMG!!!  If my count would have been below 90,000, he said I would have had a natural delivery.  Yikes.

Once I got my epi at 10:00 am, the nurse checked me and I was already at 6cm. Yay! She did have to call in the Dr. because the Caroline's heartbeat kept dropping with each of my contractions.  Her heartbeat kept going back up, but if it would have stayed low, he was going to give me a c-section. 

At 11:30 I started to feel a lot of pressure to push.  I wasn't really sure what the feeling was because I never had any feeling to push with Aubrey.  They called the Dr., but he didn't arrive until 12:15.  Once he arrived, so did the NICU team. They asked about any complications during my pregnancy, so I did explain that she had a Cystic Hygroma that resolved at 18 weeks.  I pushed for about 10 minutes and Caroline was born.  She arrived at 12:31pm.

The NICU team took care of her for about 20 minutes.  They needed to make sure her lungs were completely clear and she didn't have breathing problems.  They said her breathing was a little labored, but let me hold her and they left.  They came back 10 minutes later to take her to the NICU for her breathing.  While there, they check her oxygen levels and then proceeded to check her for Turners Syndrome.  She had lymphedema (swelling) in her hands and feet when she was born.  Apparently this is a classic maker for Turners.  They did blood work on her and we would find out in a few days if she had Tuners. 

Overall, Caroline's birth was just as amazing and special as Aubrey's was.  It was different from what I had expect, but beautiful!!

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